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What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)? Types and Examples

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a method of promotion and advertising to help companies’ content rank higher among search engine traffic.

World has revolutionized through the usage of different search engines. Search engines are become your right hand in promoting your business.

Every person wants to promote their business and product on word web.

Like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), search engine marketing helps companies improve the way content is ranked by search engines.

search engine Marketing

In this blog we will learn about the basic of Search Engine Marketing and its different types.

What is SEM??

SEM focuses largely on using paid advertising to increase traffic through services such as Google ads or Bing ads. The following are key aspects of Search Engine Marketing:

It is based on keyword analysis. Marketing departments identify keyword terms that might draw users to a webpage. Like SEO practitioners, search engine marketers use keyword research analysis and tools to identify keyword phrases audiences are searching for. They then buy ad space on the results pages from the search engine provider for the search terms they want to target.

SEM paid search results go at the top of the SERP.

SEM benefits from webpages that are easy for web crawlers to scan and include trust signals such as linking to other websites.

Types of SEM

There are many types of search engine marketing. We will talk about some famous types which is currently using in market.


Paid Local

Voice Image

Working of SEM

SEM works through the logarithm of any search engine. Like if we talk about Google, there is a logarithm on backend of this search engine. Many people use Google according to their needs and interest. Google observes each person interest and logarithm starts showing things according to its interest. Its happens, because the people who are proving these services and product, they adjust keywords on their website that ranks the website for them, then it will able to generate

Traffic for this particular website. 

What is SEO?

SEO is used to structuring content so it ranks higher in search results, which are the unpaid content listings on a results page.

The key aspects of SEO include the following:

It is based on the limited knowledge of the secret ranking factors, also known as signals that search engines like Google use.

SEO methods are constantly changing to keep pace with the evolving algorithms search engines use.

SEO-driven results rank directly below paid searches.

Successful SEO relies on

  • Creating useful
  • Authoritative
  • Trusted content

SEO practitioners take steps such as the following:

Back linking

Increasing the number of external webpages linking to a page

Keyword Research

Identifying and adding relevant keywords to content;

Expanding trust signals based on website security

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